News & Insights / Team Tilson

Tilson Tuesdays, Shelley Westall

For this week’s Tilson Tuesdays employee spotlight, meet Shelley Westall!

Shelley is a Principal Consultant on Tilson’s Broadband Consulting team. In her role, she helps partner with state agencies, local organizations, and businesses to bring high-speed internet access to communities across the nation. The team provides consulting services to deploy broadband networks from start to finish, including network design and engineering, installation and construction, and maintenance and monitoring.

A major goal of this team is to bridge the digital divide and provide reliable internet access to areas currently unserved or underserved by online access. It’s this goal of digital equity along with the complexity of the projects that drives Shelley. “I enjoy the challenge of working with customers with diverse needs to find solutions,” she said. “I am committed to finding ways to bring broadband service to all for dependable remote work, online learning, and personal use.”

In her free time, Shelley has an eclectic variety of hobbies and interests. She enjoys horseback riding, decorating, travel planning, pickleball, and gardening (she even won an award for “manure management”). She has a small army of animals to take care at her home in Washington state including two horses, six sheep, three chickens, one turkey, one dog, and one cat.

Fun fact: Shelley produced a documentary that was shown on PBS.

Thank you for being part of our Broadband Consulting team, Shelley, and for your hard work bringing high-speed internet to communities nationwide!

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