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Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Awards Fiber Contract to Plenary Broadband Infrastructure

For Immediate Release

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission awards Fiber Infrastructure Operations, Maintenance and Commercialization contract to Plenary Broadband Infrastructure

July 15th, 2020 

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) recently awarded Plenary Broadband Infrastructure (PBI) a long-term contract for the PTC Fiber Infrastructure Operations, Maintenance and Commercialization Services project. The project includes a 25-year contract for operations and maintenance services, as well as commercialization services for a fiber optic broadband network that provides connectivity for the PTC’s administrative buildings and offices, maintenance buildings, tolling systems, Intelligent Transportations Systems, among other sites and applications.

The PBI team includes:

About Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) operates and maintains 552 miles of toll roads in the Commonwealth of PA with an employee complement of more than 1,300. The PTC generated nearly $1.4 billion in annual toll revenue from 214.6 million vehicles in fiscal year 2019. Known as “America’s First Superhighway,” the Pennsylvania Turnpike opened Oct. 1, 1940. To learn more, visit

About Plenary Americas

Plenary Americas is an independent long-term investor, sponsor and operator of public infrastructure and has become North America’s leading specialized developer of long-term partnership projects with a portfolio of USD$16 billion across both the United States and Canada. Visit us at

About SQF, LLC

SQF is a leading wireless infrastructure asset owner and 5G solutions provider and is a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) in all 50 states. SQF is an affiliate of SDC Capital Partners LLC and Tilson. Learn more at

About Tilson Technology Management, Inc.

Founded in 1996, Tilson is a national network development and information infrastructure professional services firm with extensive experience designing, building, operating and maintaining telecommunications networks. 


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