News & Insights / Case Studies / Network Deployment

Tilson And NHDOT Make the Everett Turnpike Safer and Ready for the Future


The Frederick E. Everett Turnpike, also called the Central New Hampshire Turnpike, is a toll road in New Hampshire that runs 44 miles from the Massachusetts border at Nashua north to Concord. In 2005, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) added the EZ-Pass system to speed toll collection and reduce the risk of accidents. In 2016, NHDOT decided to take their commitment to safety a step farther by converting the Turnpike to “smart road” status, with an Advanced Transportation Management System (ATMS) that included Intelligent Transportation System field devices connected to the state’s Transportation Management Center (and “Data Fusion Hub”).


The sheer scale, as well as the breadth of skills required, make intelligent transportation projects a complex undertaking. Hundreds of sensors, cameras, microwave motor vehicle detection systems, and transmitters need to collect and seamlessly move huge amounts of data. The system hinges on a combination of fiber optic and wireless networks that need to integrate flawlessly, around the clock.

The challenges, however, go beyond the concrete, steel, and electronics. ATMS projects are subject to unique standards for interoperability and security and need to anticipate autonomous vehicle communication and control. Certifications and performance bonding are critical; these are multi-million-dollar, taxpayer-funded projects that impact millions of people, and providers need to guarantee on-time completion and competent execution.


Tilson was awarded the project after submitting a proposal that defined a three-party team: Tilson, the IBI Group, and MobilityTech. IBI and MobilityTech provided transportation engineering and project management services, respectively.

Tilson provided the engineering, design, construction, and maintenance of 12 new CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) poles, 2 cantilevered DMS (Dynamic Message Signs), 2 stand-alone DMS, 3 mobile DMS, 10 MVDS (Microwave Vehicle Detection Systems), and RWIS (Road Weather Information Systems) upgrades. The first CCTV site was erected in March 2019 in Nashua, NH and Tilson achieved project acceptance and completion from NHDOT by April 1st, 2021.Despite setbacks from COVID-19, the team was able to successfully integrate existing NHDOT sites from a previous cellular network to the new wireless and fiber network.

“The State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) is pleased to announce the completion of the Frederick E. Everett Turnpike (FEET) Corridor Advanced Transportation Management Systems (ATMS), led by Tilson Technology. We appreciate our partnership with Tilson, as well as the work that went into this achievement. COVID-19 changed the original integration plans however, the Tilson team successfully integrated existing NHDOT ITS sites from a cellular network to a new wireless network and tied into existing fiber network.” Susan Klasen, Project Manager for NHDOT FEET Project


The Everett Turnpike represents New Hampshire’s commitment to providing its citizens and visitors safe, enjoyable transportation experiences. Now, with superior vehicle surveillance, police and first responders can be more effective, there is reduced risk to construction and maintenance crews, and both portable and permanent signs convey weather and road conditions. With all these advantages, the future of transportation looks bright.


Tilson builds fiber and wireless networks for highway and rail operators nationwide as a designer, design builder, consulting engineer, and general contractor. We also offer infrastructure development and ownership solutions through our affiliate, Tilson Infrastructure, to commercialize fiber networks to maximize your network investment. 

Learn more about Tilson’s Intelligent Transportation services.


  • The NHDOT provides safe and secure mobility and travel options for residents and visitors, and goods movement, through a transportation system and services that are well maintained, efficient and reliable.


  • Complex and massive scale network
  • ATMS standards compliance
  • Permitting and environmental studies

Solutions / Services

  • Project management
  • RF engineering
  • Wireless network design and deployment
  • Dynamic message sign planning and deployment
  • Closed circuit camera and sensor installation
  • Transportation project planning and management
  • Multi-vendor coordination
  • Self-provisioning of fiber optic-based broadband networks
  • Testing

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