Las Vegas Construction Notice

Fiber Construction Underway in Las Vegas

Exciting news—Tilson, as a subcontractor to Gigapower, is constructing a fiber optic network to enable Gigapower and its Internet Service Providers to bring the fastest internet in America to your neighborhood. Fiber offers significantly faster speeds and more reliable connectivity compared to traditional connections. Whether you’re streaming, video calling, or gaming, fiber ensures a smoother and more seamless online experience. The following information aims to guide you through every step of the construction process, ensuring you know what to expect as we bring this new service to your area.

Construction Will Take Up to 90 Days

Residents will receive a door hanger notification prior to the start of construction, informing them that crews will begin installing underground fiber in the coming days. Once construction is complete, Tilson will restore any areas that were disturbed during the digging process.

As a homeowner, you might have questions about the types of construction permitted on your property or within the “right of way” (ROW). To clarify your rights and responsibilities, we’ve provided a detailed overview in our blog post: When the Right of Way Seems Right in the Way: Understanding Construction in Your Neighborhood.

Thank you for your patience and support as we work diligently to complete this project. If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to our team by calling 800-910-9471 or emailing

Where We’re Working

We understand construction can be inconvenient and we are committed to minimizing disruptions during this process. While construction in your neighborhood can take up to three months, our goal is to complete the installation efficiently and with minimal impact on your daily routine. To stay updated, please check the map below for details on where and when construction is taking place (construction zone highlighted in teal).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is going on?

Utility companies are upgrading existing services and installing new fiber optic service in your area.

What types of equipment do you use to install fiber?

Our installation teams use highly specialized horizontal directional drills and microtrenchers to deploy fiber. To learn more about the equipment we use, read our blog posts: Microtrenching: Street-Smart Solutions for Better Connectivity and Can You Dig It? Horizontal Directional Drills Keep Tilson On Top.

How long will construction take?

Over the next one to two years, fiber will be installed in neighborhoods around the city and divided into shorter phases over time. Construction phases for each neighborhood are broken into 3 parts (Pre-construction/Construction/Restoration-Closeout):

Pre-construction activities are 30-45 days ahead of construction. This involves utility companies placing paint on the ground within the (right of way) or streets and identifying existing utilities. If you live in an HOA, this is when contact to your HOA about the upcoming construction is made. This will allow HOAs time to locate their facilities in the right of way such as irrigation lines and notify their residents of the upcoming construction. As pre-construction activities are completing, you will see a new door hanger notifying you we are about to move into the construction phase.

Construction activities are generally 45 days from the start of construction. During this phase you will see boring crews placing conduit for fiber to be delivered to your community. During the boring process, you may notice holes opened in the ground where paint had been marked in the pre-construction phase. These holes are part of the installation process and it is a normal part of the installation. Restoration will take place in a later phase as fiber facilities have been installed. New pedestals and boxes will be placed in the right of way and fiber will be placed in the conduit. After all fiber has been installed, our teams will move into the restoration phase. We will have signs placed in the right of way with QR codes to reach out to our team if you have any questions or concerns during the installation process. While you may notice machinery and workers have come through your neighborhood, construction will not be completed until all facilities and restoration efforts have been completed. If you do not see someone active in front of your home, rest assured, we are still working within the neighborhood. We will work with you to address any questions you have about this process and are here to help. Please reach out to our team at 800-910-9471 if you have any questions or immediate concerns.

The restoration-closeout phase can take up to 30 days. This will include activities of restoring and repairing any construction items to their original condition. This can include concrete, asphalt, gravel, and other restoration activities in the neighborhood. During this phase, any construction repairs needed as a result of the fiber install will be completed. Once all restoration activities have been completed, an inspection will take place with the municipal city inspector to ensure all restorations have been properly restored.

Why is there paint on the ground in my yard?

Paint placed on the ground is required under state law and is part of the installation process. This is to ensure the safety of the public and our installers during the installation process. These marks are to identify other utilities in the right of way and serve the purpose minimizing any impact of service disruptions during the installation process. The paint is a non-toxic water-based paint which will fade over time placed by gas, electric, sewer, water, and other utility providers.

Why is there a hole cut in the ground on or near my property?

If you encounter a hole on or near your property, this is normal. This is part of the installation process. These holes provide our installers access to see other underground utilities so our installation team can avoid service disruption. These holes will be covered at the end of each day and repaired in the restoration phase.

How will any landscape rock or grass/turf disturbed during your installation process be repaired?

Our installation team will take care to peel back landscape rock and grass from the installation areas with the intent of having the least impact and disruption possible. If boxes have been placed in the right of way where grass and rock was previously, our team will restore rock and grass to remaining areas surrounding the boxes to their original condition.

Will there be pedestals or boxes in my yard?

Fiber pedestals and boxes are placed within the right of way or public utility easement. Our fiber installations are mostly installed underground due to the nature of fiber. The determination of box placement is made based on engineering codes and standards in relation to existing facilities in your neighborhood.

Will my yard be returned to normal?

All work undertaken must be within utility rights of way. City Code requires that all areas be repaired to the same standards as before – if not better.

What do I do if there is damage to my property?

First, wait until you see that all work has been completed and restoration attempts have been made. If you are unsure of the status of construction in your area, we encourage you to contact 800-910-9471. Please leave a message and one of our construction specialists will contact you within 24 hours to promptly answers any concerns or questions you may have.

What do I do if my other utilities go out?

First, contact the utility provider emergency number to report an outage. Second, if there are contractors actively working in the area during the outage, notify them of the situation. Third, contact our construction team at 800-910-9471 if you need additional assistance.

What if I don’t want workers in my yard?

All utility services have a reserved place for their installation and services within the right of way. These areas have been reserved by city and state codes for this purpose to ensure communities can continue to be served with infrastructure improvements. If you have concerns about the location of services in your yard, contact 800-910-9471.

What is being done during the installation process to protect me?

Our teams work directly with city inspectors which have implemented permitting, site monitoring, policies, and procedures to keep contractors in compliance with municipal standard. Our installation teams are committed to partnering with utility companies to address any repairs or any damages during construction. Every contractor is bonded, licensed, and our installation construction teams have staff available to address any resident concerns.

Examples of the types of facilities being installed:

Examples of temporary patching during the installation process which will be replaced with permanent concrete/asphalt after installation:

Examples of utility flags or paint placed in the pre-construction phase:

Examples of temporary fencing:

Las Vegas licenses: #ROC0083196, #ROC0090976

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